Goldfinger Radio Drama Shows
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Movie Goldfinger Cast
Welcome toThis subreddit is for all things related to audio drama, both new and old. This can include podcasts, old time radio shows, new audio drama, audiobooks, amateur productions, or recordings of people telling stories.
This is also a place to discuss production techniques and ask questions on how to create audio drama. If you produce an audio drama, promote it here. The tea party edges of twilight. PostingThe goal of this subreddit is offer as much news and information about audio drama.
Goldfinger Youtube
The more posts, the better. Audio drama producers are encouraged to make a new post for each episode they release.When submitting a post about an audio drama, include a descriptive headline that includes its title. Do not link directly to MP3 files, but rather to a website where the audio drama can be accessed. FlairYou can assign text flair to your user name. On the sidebar, there's a check box marked 'Show my flair on this subreddit.' Check that and then click the (edit) link to enter in your custom text. This is probably most useful for readers who want to list their own audio drama titles or website URL next to their names.Link flair is also available.
Once you submit a new link or text post, click the flair link under the title.